Birthday Camera

September 16, 2010 will be my 40th birthday.I want a camera.  Specifically, a Nikon d90, which I cannot afford.  But I’m hoping some people will be willing to help.  In lieu of a card or any other gift, I’m asking for $4 instead ($1 for every decade).

Yes, you can give more.  And no, you don’t have to give anything.  There’s no requirement or expectation, no promise of reciprocation, nothing.

There’s now a Donate button.

Here are some details:

As I write this, the price of the camera kit at Amazon fluctuates frequently, but remains somewhere near $1,050.  This includes one lens.  There’s a second lens, an 70-300mm, that I also want, currently around $600.  If birthday/camera money somehow goes over this amount (plus shipping, etc.), which I doubt, I’ll donate all excess funds to either Habitat for Humanity or the Red Cross, or both, if there’s enough.

(There is, in fact, a third lens, but it’s less than $150 and can wait.)
I could ask for more sensible things.  But it’s a birthday, and it’s all I want, and I can’t ask any one person for this camera.  However, if people contribute, and either make it more possible or provide me with enough to purchase it, I’ll be a very happy birthday boy come mid-September.


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