Sunrise 5

What, was I still drunk from the night before when I shot this?

So, something I’ve decided to let you know, though there’s no requirement.

I want to be better.

I want to be a better person, and a better man.  I want to dress better, and eat better, and cook better.  I want to write better, and I want to be better at selling my stories/books/etc.  I want to be a better friend to my friends.  I want to be a better nemesis to my enemies.  I want to take better pictures.  I want to make better quantities of money, and I want to spend it in better ways and somehow help to make the world just a little better for my having been here.
I’ve been making better eating choices.  I’ve been counting steps and exercising more and, in the past few months, have lost almost 20 pounds.  (Another 40+/- to go.)  I’ve been trying to dress better, and pay more attention to my appearance, and therefore have bought a tie and a belt and a few other things.  I’ve been reading a lot more magazines, things like GQ and Men’s Health.

I’m not aiming to be better than anyone other than myself.  It’s not a competition, except maybe when I get on a racquetball court.

I’d like to invite you on this journey with me.

I’d like to invite you to make suggestions, offer advice, etc, regardless of whether I ask for it.  Nothing’s off-limits.  And in the near future, I’ll write, here, about some of the things I’ve been doing that have worked, and maybe some that haven’t.  Thanks, in advance, for your help and support.

(This may mean more self portraits in the near future, so as to document my journey.)

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